Cider with Rosie
“Cider with Rosie,” directed by Philippa Lowthorpe, is a nostalgic adaptation of Laurie Lee’s autobiographical novel, capturing the essence of rural life in post-World War I England. The film beautifully portrays the coming-of-age journey of young Laurie as he navigates the idyllic yet changing landscape of his Cotswold village, filled with family, community, and the innocence of first love.
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Director: Philippa Lowthorpe
Actors: Annette Crosbie, Archie Cox, Bebe Cave, Emma Curtis, Finn Bennett, Jessica Hynes, June Whitfield, Samantha Morton, Shola Adewusi, Timothy Spall
Country: United Kingdom
Company: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Origin Pictures
Awards: 2 nominations