CIA II: Target Alexa
In the directorial debut of action star Lorenzo Lamas, a high-stakes thriller unfolds when a former CIA operative steals a classified nuclear guidance system, intending to auction it off to the highest bidder. The responsibility to prevent global chaos falls on a dedicated CIA agent and an international terrorist he has sworn to apprehend. CIA Agent Mark Graver, portrayed by Lamas, is pulled from his peaceful life after learning about the breach at a government facility and the theft of the critical device. To recover the guidance system, he must reluctantly join forces with ex-terrorist Alexa, played by Kathleen Kinmont, to confront the notorious international terrorist Franz Kluge, brought to life by John Savage.
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Director: Lorenzo Lamas
Actors: Al Sapienza, Branscombe Richmond, John Saint Ryan, John Savage, Kathleen Kinmont, Lorenzo Lamas, Lori Fetrick, Michael Chong, Pamela Dixon, Sandee Van Dyke
Country: United States of America
Company: PM Entertainment Group