Christmas with the Darlings
“Christmas with the Darlings” follows Jessica Lew, an assistant to a wealthy businessman, who steps in to help his charming but carefree younger brother, Max, look after his orphaned nieces and nephew during the holiday season. As they work together to create a memorable Christmas for the children, unexpected bonds form, leading to heartwarming discoveries about family and love.
Views: 66
Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Catherine Cyran
Actors: Anthony Bolognese, Brenda Matthews, Carlo Marks, Islie Hirvonen, James Yi, Katrina Law, Madeline Hirvonen, Morgana Wyllie, Robyn Bradley, Steve Bacic
Country: United States of America
Company: Brad Krevoy Television, Family Christmas Productions, Two 4 The Money Media
Awards: 3 nominations