“Cats,” directed by Tom Hooper, is a musical fantasy film that brings to life the beloved stage musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. The story follows a group of cats called the Jellicles as they gather for the annual Jellicle Ball, where one will be chosen to ascend to the Heaviside Layer and be reborn.
Views: 60
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Tom Hooper
Actors: Francesca Hayward, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, James Corden, Jason Derulo, Jennifer Hudson, Judi Dench, Ray Winstone, Rebel Wilson, Taylor Swift
Country: Australia, Canada, China, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Amblin Entertainment, Perfect World Pictures, Working Title Films
Awards: 11 wins & 8 nominations
Budget: $95,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $75,558,925
1h 50minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-12-19
IMDb: 2.8
TMDB: 4.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 19%
Metacritic: 32
FilmAffinity: 3.1