In the animated film “Cars,” directed by John Lasseter and co-directed by Joe Ranft, a hotshot race car named Lightning McQueen finds himself unexpectedly detoured in the sleepy town of Radiator Springs. As he forms unlikely friendships with the town’s quirky residents, McQueen learns valuable life lessons about humility, community, and what it truly means to be a winner.
Views: 240
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Joe Ranft, John Lasseter
Actors: Adrian Ochoa, Andrew Stanton, Billy Crystal, Bob Costas, Bonnie Hunt, Cheech Marin, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Darrell Waltrip, Dave Foley, Douglas Keever, E.J. Holowicki, Edie McClurg, Elissa Knight, George Carlin, Guido Quaroni, Humpy Wheeler, Jack Angel, Jay Leno, Jenifer Lewis, Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy Piven, Joe Ranft, John Goodman, John Ratzenberger, Jonas Rivera, Katherine Helmond, Larry Benton, Larry the Cable Guy, Lindsey Collins, Lou Romano, Lynda Petty, Mario Andretti, Michael Keaton, Michael Schumacher, Michael Wallis, Mickie McGowan, Mike Nelson, Owen Wilson, Paul Dooley, Paul Newman, Ray Magliozzi, Richard Kind, Richard Petty, Sarah Clark, Sherry Lynn, Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tom Magliozzi, Tony Shalhoub
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Awards: Nominated for 2 Oscars, 28 wins & 34 nominations total
Budget: $120,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $461,996,328
1h 56minRelease: 2006
Release Date: 2006-06-08
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 7.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 75%
Metacritic: 73
FilmAffinity: 6.2