Cannon Fodder
Doron, a seasoned security operative, embarks on a final mission to apprehend the third-ranking member of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Accompanied by an elite team, Doron infiltrates Lebanon to accomplish this task. However, he quickly realizes that the situation is far more complex than anticipated, as he faces a new and unfamiliar adversary, making Hezbollah the least of his concerns. With the pressure of an impending extensive I.D.F. assault and a ruthless foe, Doron and his unit must confront this transformed enemy. They are tasked with waging a different kind of war, finding a solution, and returning across the border before the Middle East conflict is irrevocably altered.
Views: 69
Director: Eitan Gafny
Actors: Amit Leor, Emos Ayeno, Gome Sarig, Liron Levo, Roi Miller, Ronen Shemi, Shira Katzenelenbogen, Yafit Shalev
Country: Israel
Company: Israeli Film Fund, White Beach Productions
Awards: 3 wins