Cannibal Taboo
“Cannibal Taboo” unfolds the tale of Janet, a young woman who grew up in the African wilderness and is eventually rescued by the explorer Cliff Hendricks. When Cliff falls ill with a rare blood disorder, Janet must abandon her jungle lifestyle to care for him and their four children. The main events take place as their youngest son, Paul, approaches his twenty-first birthday. His brother Luke, a distinguished academic, returns home for the occasion. However, the Hendricks family is fraught with complications, as their fourth sibling, Matthew, vanished on his own twenty-first birthday. Additionally, Paul and his sister are entangled in an incestuous relationship, and Janet is concealing a dark secret.
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Director: Mike Tristano
Actors: Ashlie Rhey, Caitlin Sabins, Don Scribner, Jessica Simone, Joseph Haggerty, Mike Tristano, Neil Delama, Paul Logan, Regina Russell Banali, Scott Carson
Country: United States of America