“Butterfly” is a thrilling blend of suspense and horror centered around NICK COLE, a director known for his straight-to-video horror films. He finds himself abducted by LANEY, an overly enthusiastic admirer eager to dazzle him with her own cinematic endeavor. The scenario takes a terrifying turn when Cole discovers that the killings depicted in Laney’s film are genuine, and the victims are individuals connected to his own troubled history.
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Director: Edward E. Romero
Actors: Amber Dawn Lee, Eileen Dietz, Garrett Penwell, Jay Laisne, Jeff Linnartz, Mandi Kreisher, Ron Roggé, Sky Kelley, Wendy Kelley, Zachary Wharton
Country: United States of America
Company: 2 Red Rabbit Films, Blank Page Entertainment
Budget: $250,000