Broken Bridges
“Broken Bridges,” directed by Steven Goldmann, follows the story of a washed-up country music star who returns to his hometown after a family tragedy. As he reconnects with his past, he encounters an old flame and discovers a daughter he never knew, leading to a journey of redemption and healing.
Views: 48
Director: Steven Goldmann
Actors: Brian F. Durkin, Burt Reynolds, Greg Clarkson, Jason Leith, Jeff Portell, Kelly Preston, Leland L. Jones, Lindsey Haun, Richard Tillman, Toby Keith
Country: United States of America
Company: ChickFlicks Productions, CMT, MTV Films
Worldwide Gross: $252,539
1h 45minRelease: 2006
Release Date: 2006-09-08
IMDb: 5.9
TMDB: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 5%
Metacritic: 32
FilmAffinity: 5.1