Concluding his trilogy centered on troubled young women in New York, Amos Kollek tells the story of an alcoholic woman striving to reclaim custody of her child. Anna, a single mother battling alcoholism, was forced to place her son with foster parents, who are willing to return him for a price. She encounters Pete, the intellectually challenged son of a rich writer, whose father proposes that she marry Pete in exchange for a million dollars.
Views: 57
Genre: Drama
Director: Amos Kollek
Actors: Anna Levine Thomson, Anna Thomson, Arthur Storch, David Wike, Julie Hagerty, Lance Reddick, Mark Margolis, Neal Jones, Saul Stein, Thom Christopher, Yasha Young
Country: France, Japan, United States of America
Company: Cinema Parisien, Euro Space, F.R.P.
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $109,611