Bordello Death Tales
“Bordello Death Tales” is an anthology film that unfolds within the eerie confines of Madame Raven’s brothel, featuring three chilling stories crafted by emerging horror filmmakers. The first segment, “The Ripper” by James Eaves, introduces us to a seemingly gentle psychopath. The second tale, “Stitch Girl” by Al Ronald, pays tribute to the classic “Bride of Frankenstein.” The anthology concludes with Pat Higgins’ “Vice Day,” which reveals a politician’s cunning strategy to shield his personal life from the media’s scrutiny.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Alan Ronald, James Eaves, Pat Higgins
Actors: Cy Henty, Danielle Laws, Eleanor James, Faye Baker, Julian Lamoral-Roberts, Natalie Milner, Stuart Gregory, Tina Barnes
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Amber Pictures, Jinx Media
Budget: 100,000