Bon Lin
Natsuko Yotsuya, also called Bon, is a teenager residing in a small town. Her friend, Miyu-chan, lives in Tokyo with her boyfriend, who mistreats her. Determined to rescue her friend, Natsuko teams up with her childhood companion, Rintaro Tomoda, known as Lin, and they travel to Tokyo. They enlist the help of a man they connected with on an online forum dedicated to “boys’ love” manga enthusiasts, and together they make their way to Miyu-chan’s residence.
Views: 47
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Keiichi Kobayashi
Actors: Ari Kadomae, Ema Sakura, Hakushu Togetsuan, Kaho Tsukioka, Mahiro Takasugi, Rino Higa
Country: Japan
Awards: 1 nomination