Bon Bini Holland
“Bon Bini Holland,” directed by Jelle de Jonge, follows the comedic adventures of Robertico Florentina, a charming con artist from Curaçao who flees to the Netherlands to escape trouble back home. As he navigates cultural clashes and unexpected challenges, Robertico’s journey is filled with humor and heart as he attempts to make amends and find his place in a new world.
Views: 32
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jelle de Jonge
Actors: Cynthia Abma, Dennis Rudge, Hans Dagelet, Jandino Asporaat, Liliana de Vries, Lone van Roosendaal, Martin van Waardenberg, Sergio Romero IJssel, Teun Kuilboer, Ursul de Geer
Country: Netherlands
Company: Kaap Holland Film
Awards: 3 wins
Worldwide Gross: $4,920,623