Bomb the System
“Bomb the System,” directed by Adam Bhala Lough, follows the life of a young and talented graffiti artist named Blest, who navigates the vibrant and often dangerous world of street art in New York City. As he and his crew face increasing pressure from law enforcement, Blest must confront the challenges of loyalty, expression, and survival in a society that views their art as vandalism.
Views: 50
Director: Adam Bhala Lough
Actors: Al Sapienza, Bonz Malone, Donna Mitchell, Gano Grills, Jaclyn DeSantis, Jade Yorker, Joey Dedio, KaDee Strickland, Kumar Pallana, Lee Quiñones, Mark Webber, Stephen Buchanan
Country: United States of America
Company: Bomb the System LLC, Drops Entertainment
Awards: 6 wins & 2 nominations
Budget: $500,000
Worldwide Gross: $15,520
1h 31minRelease: 2002
Release Date: 2002-08-02
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 7.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 32%
Metacritic: 52
FilmAffinity: 5.1