Black Demons
“Black Demons,” directed by Umberto Lenzi, follows a group of friends who unwittingly awaken a horde of vengeful, undead slaves while exploring the Brazilian jungle. As the reanimated spirits seek retribution, the friends must find a way to survive the terrifying ordeal.
Views: 28
Genre: Horror
Director: Umberto Lenzi
Actors: Cléa Simões, Felix Lorival, Joe Balogh, Juliana Teixeira, Justo Silva, Keith Van Hoven, Maria Alves, Philip Murray, Rita Monteiro, Sonia Curtis
Country: Italy
Company: Filmakers S.r.l.
1h 28minRelease: 1991
Release Date: 1991-01-05
IMDb: 4.2
TMDB: 4.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 7%
FilmAffinity: 3.3