Birds Are Singing in Kigali
“Birds Are Singing in Kigali,” directed by Joanna Kos-Krauze, follows the harrowing journey of a Polish ornithologist and a young Rwandan woman as they escape the Rwandan genocide and attempt to rebuild their lives in Poland. The film explores themes of trauma, survival, and the search for healing amidst the haunting memories of their past.
Views: 43
Genre: Drama
Director: Joanna Kos-Krauze, Krzysztof Krauze
Actors: Aleksander Mikołajczak, Anna Ilczuk, Ciza Remy Muhirwa, Didacienne Nibagwire, Eliane Umuhire, Herve Kimenyi Rutaremara, Jerzy Gudejko, Jowita Budnik, Maciej Tomaszewski, Witold Wielinski
Country: Poland
Company: Dolnoslaski Konkurs Filmowy, Kosfilm, Narodowe Centrum Kultury
Awards: 9 wins & 10 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $62,670