Beyond Borders
“Beyond Borders,” directed by Martin Campbell, follows the journey of a wealthy socialite, Sarah Jordan, who becomes deeply involved in humanitarian efforts after meeting a passionate relief worker, Nick Callahan. As she travels to war-torn regions, Sarah’s experiences challenge her perceptions and ignite a profound personal transformation.
Views: 62
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance, War
Director: Martin Campbell
Actors: Angelina Jolie, Clive Owen, Iain Lee, Jonathan Higgins, Kate Trotter, Linus Roache, Noah Emmerich, Teri Polo, Timothy West, Yorick van Wageningen
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Camelot Pictures, CP Medien AG, Mandalay Pictures
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: $35,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $11,705,002
2h 7minRelease: 2003
Release Date: 2003-10-23
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 14%
Metacritic: 32
FilmAffinity: 6.0