“Beckman,” directed by Gabriel Sabloff, follows the story of a former assassin who becomes a pastor, only to have his newfound peace shattered when a cult kidnaps a young girl he has taken under his wing. Driven by a sense of justice and redemption, he embarks on a relentless mission to rescue her, confronting his violent past along the way.
Views: 34
Genre: Action
Director: Gabriel Sabloff
Actors: Alex Bentley, Brighton Sharbino, Burt Young, Danielle Louise Moinet, Danielle Moinet, David A.R. White, Jacob Melton, Jeff Fahey, Kira Reed Lorsch, Nobuaki Shimamoto, Summer Rae, William Baldwin
Country: United States of America
Company: Five Arts Films, Pure Flix Productions, RHL Group
Budget: $1,200,000