“B*A*P*S” is a comedy film directed by Robert Townsend that follows two ambitious waitresses from Georgia, Nisi and Mickey, who dream of opening a combination hair salon and soul food restaurant. Their lives take an unexpected turn when they travel to Los Angeles for a music video audition and become entangled in a wealthy man’s scheme, leading to a series of humorous and heartwarming adventures.
Views: 49
Genre: Comedy
Director: Robert Townsend
Actors: Anthony Johnson, Bernie Mac, Halle Berry, Ian Richardson, Jonathan Fried, Luigi Amodeo, Martin Landau, Natalie Desselle-Reid, Pierre Edwards, Troy Byer
Country: United States of America
Company: Island Pictures, New Line Cinema
Awards: 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $7,338,279
1h 31minRelease: 1997
Release Date: 1997-03-28
IMDb: 4.7
TMDB: 5.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 15%
FilmAffinity: 3.0