“Balto,” directed by Simon Wells, is an animated adventure film that follows the journey of a half-wolf, half-dog named Balto, who embarks on a perilous mission to deliver life-saving medicine to a remote Alaskan town during a diphtheria outbreak. Despite facing harsh weather conditions and his own insecurities, Balto’s courage and determination inspire a team of sled dogs to overcome the odds and save the children of Nome.
Views: 69
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Kids
Director: Simon Wells
Actors: Bob Hoskins, Bridget Fonda, Danny Mann, Frank Welker, Jack Angel, Jim Cummings, Juliette Brewer, Kevin Bacon, Lola Bates-Campbell, Miriam Margolyes, Phil Collins, Robbie Rist, Sandra Dickinson
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Amblimation, Amblin Entertainment, Bluebush Productions, The Kennedy/Marshall Company, Universal Pictures
Awards: 5 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $11,349,090
1h 18minRelease: 1995
Release Date: 1995-12-22
IMDb: 7.1
TMDB: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
FilmAffinity: 6.3