Bakugyaku famîria
“Blazing Famiglia” revolves around a family with a history of teenage gang involvement. Tetsu Hino, portrayed by Yoshimi Tokui, was once the formidable leader of the most notorious motorcycle gang in the Kanto region. Now, as a middle-aged man, he faces disdain from his defiant son, Shuhei, played by Kento Hayashi. The story takes a turn when Tetsu and his former gang members reunite after the daughter of one of their own is attacked. Despite his concerns about his everyday life, Tetsu rekindles the fervor of his biker past. He soon discovers that Ken Igarashi, played by Jun Murakami, is responsible for the assault, driven by a longstanding vendetta against Tetsu.
Views: 45
Genre: Drama
Director: Kazuyoshi Kumakiri
Actors: Arata Iura, Hirofumi Arai, Jun Murakami, Kazuki Kitamura, Kento Hayashi, Nao Omori, Sadawo Abe, Tatsuya Nakamura, Tetsuji Tamayama, Yoshimi Tokui
Country: Japan
Company: Stairway
Worldwide Gross: $214,039