Bad Seeds
“Bad Seeds,” directed by Kheiron, follows Wael, a former street kid, who finds himself reluctantly working at a school for troubled teens. Through humor and empathy, Wael connects with the students, leading to unexpected transformations for both him and the kids.
Views: 39
Genre: Comedy
Director: Kheiron
Actors: Adil Dehbi, Alban Lenoir, André Dussollier, Catherine Deneuve, Hakou Benosmane, Kheiron, Leila Boumedjane, Louison Blivet, Ouassima Zrouki, Youssouf Wague
Company: Mars Films, PAIVA FILMS, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $3,067,893
1h 40minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-11-21
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 7.6
Metacritic: 8.0
FilmAffinity: 6.6