“Atlantics,” directed by Mati Diop, is a haunting romantic drama set in Dakar, Senegal, where a young woman named Ada is caught between an arranged marriage and her true love, Souleiman, who has disappeared at sea. As mysterious events unfold, the film weaves together themes of love, loss, and the supernatural, exploring the impact of migration and economic disparity.
Views: 50
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
Director: Mati Diop
Actors: Abdou Balde, Amadou Mbow, Aminata Kane, Babacar Sylla, Coumba Dieng, Fatou Sougou, Ibrahima Mbaye, Ibrahima Traore, Mame Bineta Sane, Mariama Gassama, Nicole Sougou
Country: Belgium, France, Senegal
Company: Cinekap, Frakas Productions, Les Films du Bal
Awards: 13 wins & 64 nominations
Budget: 2,160,000
Worldwide Gross: $407,933
1h 46minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-10-02
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Metacritic: 85
FilmAffinity: 5.8