Assassin X
“The Chemist” is an intense action thriller that follows the story of an older hitman who finds himself betrayed by his boss after he declines to kill a woman he has recently encountered. Now a fugitive, Steele (played by Olivier Gruner) becomes the hunted in a high-speed showdown of assassin against assassin. As the plot unfolds, he uncovers a shocking revelation that upends his understanding of the situation. Adding to the complexity, he starts to develop romantic feelings for the woman he was supposed to eliminate.
Views: 42
Genre: Action
Director: Art Camacho
Actors: Martin Kove, Nina Bergman, Olivier Gruner, Patrick Kilpatrick, Robert Miano, Sasha Mitchell, Sidow Sobrino, Stephanie Gerard, Steven Dell
Country: United States of America
Company: Al Bravo Films, Throwing Star Films
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination
Budget: $1,000,000