“Araf,” directed by Yeşim Ustaoğlu, is a poignant drama that explores the lives of two young people, Zehra and Olgun, who are stuck in a liminal space between their dreams and harsh realities in a small Turkish town. As they navigate their desires and the constraints of their environment, their paths cross with a mysterious truck driver, leading to transformative experiences that challenge their perceptions of love and freedom.
Views: 11
Genre: Drama
Director: Yeşim Ustaoğlu
Actors: Barış Hacıhan, Can Basak, Erol Babaoğlu, Feride Karaman, Ilgaz Kocatürk, Neslihan Atagül, Nihal Yalçın, Özcan Deniz, Yalçın Çakır, Yasemin Baştan, Yasemin Çonka
Country: France, Germany, Turkey
Company: Catherine Dussart Productions (CDP), Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), The Match Factory
Awards: 11 wins & 17 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $180,179