Jod, a notorious gangster, finds himself imprisoned following a military coup that reshapes the power dynamics on the streets. In the neighborhood dominated by young gangsters, a uniformed officer named Neung exerts tyrannical control, constantly challenging Jod’s crew. Upon his release, Jod returns as a transformed individual, resolute in his mission to restore order.
Views: 42
Director: Kome Kongkiat Komesiri
Actors: Atthiwat Theeranithitnanth, Boonsong Nakphoo, Danoo Chutinavee, Krisada Supapprom, Krissada Sukosol Clapp, Nantharat Chaowarat, Pakchanok Wo-Onsri, Pornchai Hongrattanaporn, Sakarin Suthamsamai, Somchai Kemglad, Somchai Kemklad, Tao Somchai Kemklad, Wasu Sangsingkaew
Country: Thailand
Company: Baa-Ram-Ewe, Sahamongkol Film International
Awards: 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $909,528