Set against the idyllic backdrop of Central Europe’s countryside during the early 1900s, this fairy tale follows Anka, a courageous orphan girl. She embarks on a journey to find a home, confronting life’s challenges along the way. With the aid of an enchanting realm and its enigmatic beings, she eventually discovers where she truly belongs.
Views: 40
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Dejan Aćimović
Actors: Anđela Ramljak, Cvita Viljač, Denis Brižić, Eric Cantona, Goran Grgić, Linda Begonja, Mate Gulin, Nikola Kojo, Rade Serbedzija, Vuk Kostić
Company: Canto Bros Productions, Da Film d.o.o., Hrvatska Radiotelevizija (HRT)