American Woman
“American Woman,” directed by Jake Scott, follows the life of Deb Callahan, a woman in a small Pennsylvania town whose teenage daughter mysteriously disappears. Over the course of several years, Deb navigates the challenges of raising her grandson and grapples with the enduring impact of her daughter’s absence, ultimately finding resilience and hope.
Views: 91
Director: Jake Scott
Actors: Aaron Paul, Aidan McGraw, Alex Neustaedter, Christina Hendricks, E. Roger Mitchell, Kentucker Audley, Pat Healy, Sienna Miller, Sky Ferreira, Will Sasso
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Romulus Entertainment, Scott Free Productions
Awards: 5 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $245,416
1h 51minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-06-07
IMDb: 6.8
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Metacritic: 68