Almayer’s Folly
The narrative follows Almayer, a Dutch merchant facing hardships in Malaysia during the late 1800s. His aspiration to discover a legendary mountain of gold is thwarted by his cunning wife, the colonial powers, the political intrigues of the local leader and Arab merchants, as well as his daughter’s romantic involvement with a Malay prince who fights for independence.
Views: 30
Genre: Drama
Director: U-Wei Haji Saari
Actors: Adi Putra, Alex Komang, Bront Palarae, Diana Danielle, Hasnul Rahmat, Khalid Salleh, Patrick Teoh, Peter O'Brien, Sabri Yunus, Sofia Jane
Country: Malaysia
Company: Tanah Licin Sdn Bhd
Awards: 4 wins & 1 nomination
Budget: 18,000,000