All I Wish
“All I Wish” is a romantic comedy that follows Senna Berges, a free-spirited fashion designer, as she navigates the ups and downs of her career and love life, with each birthday marking a new chapter in her journey. As she struggles to find balance and fulfillment, unexpected encounters and personal growth lead her to discover what truly matters.
Views: 53
Director: Susan Walter
Actors: Caitlin Fitzgerald, Ellen Burstyn, Erica Ash, Famke Janssen, Gilles Marini, Leonor Varela, Liza Lapira, Sharon Stone, Tony Goldwyn, Yvonne Jung
Country: United States of America
Company: ETA Films, MRB Productions
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $197,734
1h 34minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-02-01
IMDb: 5.2
TMDB: 5.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 18%
Metacritic: 49
FilmAffinity: 3.6