“Ailey,” directed by Jamila Wignot, is a documentary that delves into the life and legacy of Alvin Ailey, the visionary choreographer who redefined modern dance. Through archival footage and interviews, the film explores Ailey’s journey, his groundbreaking work, and the enduring impact of his artistry on the dance world.
Views: 39
Genre: Biography, Documentary, History
Director: Jamila Wignot
Actors: Darrin Ross, Don Martin, George Faison, Judith Jamison, Linda Kent, Mary Barnett, Rennie Harris, Robert Battle, Sylvia Waters, William Hammond
Country: United States of America
Company: American Masters Pictures, Artemis Rising Foundation, Insignia Films
Awards: 5 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $214,328
1h 35minRelease: 2021
Release Date: 2021-07-23
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 5.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
Metacritic: 77