After The Ball
“After The Ball,” directed by Sean Garrity, is a modern-day Cinderella story set in the world of fashion. The film follows Kate, a talented designer who must navigate family drama and corporate intrigue to save her father’s company and find her own path to success.
Views: 34
Genre: Comedy
Director: Sean Garrity
Actors: Anna Hopkins, Carlo Rota, Chris Noth, Colin Mochrie, Lauren Holly, Lola Tash, Marc-André Grondin, Mimi Kuzyk, Natalie Krill, Portia Doubleday
Country: Canada
Company: Myriad Pictures, Pacific Northwest Pictures, TVA Films
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $234,417
1h 41minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-02-27
IMDb: 5.8
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 25%
Metacritic: 39
FilmAffinity: 3.8