A Murder to Remember
Based on Ann Rule’s true crime anthology “Empty Promises,” this story follows Javier and Robin Rivera as they embark on a camping trip to mark their first wedding anniversary. Tragedy strikes when Javier is found dead, leaving Robin stranded in the unforgiving wilderness. She reluctantly accepts assistance from a fellow camper, a mysterious man named Sam, gradually entrusting him with her safety. However, the question remains: is Sam truly Robin’s protector, or is he someone she should fear?
Views: 52
Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Robin Givens
Actors: Byron Jennings, Carolyn McCormick, Daisy Pareja, Deadra Moore, Demi Castro, Kendrick Cross, Kevin Rodriguez, Leslie Hendrix, Maddie Nichols, T.C. Matherne
Country: United States of America