A Mosquito-Man
Jim Crawley, portrayed by Michael Manasseri (known for roles in WEIRD SCIENCE, LICENSE TO DRIVE, DIRTY LOVE, and BABYSITTER WANTED), is experiencing an exceptionally unfortunate day. He loses his job at a nuclear power plant, his car is impounded, and he discovers his wife’s infidelity. To make matters worse, a seemingly benevolent man who saves him turns out to be a malevolent scientist. This scientist kidnaps Jim and infects him with a lethal virus carried by mosquitoes, which is rapidly spreading worldwide. The combination of years of nuclear radiation exposure and aggressive mosquito DNA proves disastrous. However, for the scientist (played by Ricky Wayne) and anyone else who has wronged Jim, retribution arrives in the form of a creature that is part man, part mosquito.
Views: 35
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Director: Michael Manasseri
Country: United States of America
Company: Big Screen Entertainment Group, Scientifically Proven Entertainment
Budget: $1,500,000
1h 19minIMDb: 4.9
TMDB: 5.4