A Christmas Break
Addison Tate, portrayed by Cindy Sampson, is a dedicated school teacher determined to make this Christmas unforgettable for her students, particularly because the School Board has announced that it will be the last one before the school shuts down. While at a Christmas tree lot, Addison encounters Danny, played by Steve Byers, a Hollywood actor who has returned to his hometown to rediscover his roots. Their meeting ignites a connection, and together they embark on a mission to prevent the school’s closure just in time for Christmas Eve.
Views: 45
Director: Graeme Campbell
Actors: Aidan Vissers, Arnold Pinnock, Cindy Sampson, Howard Hoover, Nneka Elliott, Samantha Helt, Samora Smallwood, Stefan Brogren, Steve Byers
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: CME Autum Productions, Reel One Entertainment