A Brony Tale
“A Brony Tale” is a documentary directed by Brent Hodge that explores the unexpected adult fanbase of the animated television show “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic,” known as “bronies.” The film follows voice actress Ashleigh Ball as she navigates her experiences with this unique fandom, offering insights into the community’s culture and the broader implications of fandom in modern society.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Brent Hodge
Actors: Andrea Libman, Andy Stein, Ashleigh Ball, Bryan Mischke, Donald Rhoades, Jordan Downs, Mike Bernstein, Nicole Oliver, Patrick Edwards, Shaun Scotellaro
Country: Canada, New Zealand, United States of America
Company: Hodgee Films [ca]
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations
Budget: $100,000