In the vibrant and chaotic streets of Jakarta, a hidden realm of mythical Indonesian creatures has coexisted with humans for ages. These beings, known as “Demit,” have seamlessly blended into human society, their true nature masked by a powerful mortal family. However, the emergence of a mysterious supernatural phenomenon called the Gift threatens to unveil this secret world. As the Gift’s arrival looms, a young street artist named Sarah unexpectedly becomes the focal point of this unfolding drama. Once the Demit uncover Sarah’s true identity and her destined role, the stage is set for a confrontation between humans and Demit that could forever alter the equilibrium of their intertwined worlds.
Views: 64
Genre: Mystery
Director: Collin Chang, Joko Anwar
Creators: Ekachai Uekrongtham, Joko Anwar
Awards: 5 nominations
Starring: Arifin Putra, David Asavanond, Emma Emika, Jake Macapagal, Myra Molloy, Nicole Theriault, Peem Jaiyen, Reza Rahadian, Teresa Daley, Tia Tavee