Thor: Love and Thunder
In “Thor: Love and Thunder,” Thor embarks on a quest for inner peace but is interrupted by the emergence of Gorr the God Butcher, a galactic killer seeking the extinction of the gods. Teaming up with Valkyrie, Korg, and his ex-girlfriend Jane Foster, who now wields Mjolnir as the Mighty Thor, they face a cosmic adventure filled with humor, action, and heart.
Views: 185
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: Taika Waititi
Actors: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Christian Bale, Dave Bautista, Idris Elba, Jaimie Alexander, Karen Gillan, Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe, Taika Waititi, Tessa Thompson
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Disney Studios Australia, Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Awards: 3 wins & 22 nominations
Budget: $250,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $760,928,081
1h 58minRelease: 2022
Release Date: 2022-07-06
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 63%
Metacritic: 57
FilmAffinity: 5.3