The Wanting Mare
In “The Wanting Mare,” directed by Nicholas Ashe Bateman, a dreamlike narrative unfolds in the mythical city of Whithren, where generations of women inherit a haunting dream of a world beyond their own. The film weaves a tale of longing and legacy, exploring themes of desire and the passage of time in a visually stunning and ethereal landscape.
Views: 46
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction
Director: Nicholas Ashe Bateman
Actors: Christine Kellogg-Darrin, Edmond Cofie, Jordan Monaghan, Josh Clark, Kate Lyn Sheil, Maxine Muster, Meghan McGarry, Yasamin Keshtkar
Country: United States of America
Company: Anmaere
Awards: 2 wins
1h 29minRelease: 2021
Release Date: 2021-02-05
IMDb: 5.3
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
Metacritic: 67