“Spontaneous,” directed by Brian Duffield, is a darkly comedic and poignant film that follows high school seniors Mara and Dylan as they navigate the chaos and uncertainty of their classmates inexplicably exploding. Amidst the bizarre and terrifying phenomenon, the two teens find love and meaning in a world where the future is anything but guaranteed.
Views: 57
Director: Brian Duffield
Actors: Charlie Plummer, Clive Holloway, Doralynn Mui, Hayley Law, Katherine Langford, Laine MacNeil, Marlowe Percival, Piper Perabo, Rob Huebel, Yvonne Orji
Country: United States of America
Company: Awesomeness Films, Jurassic Party Productions
Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations
1h 41minRelease: 2020
Release Date: 2020-10-02
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Metacritic: 78
FilmAffinity: 5.5