Fandango at the Wall
“Fandango at the Wall,” directed by Varda Bar-Kar, is a documentary that follows Grammy-winning musician Arturo O’Farrill and producer Kabir Sehgal as they journey to the U.S.-Mexico border to unite musicians from both countries. The film captures the power of music to transcend borders and bring people together, culminating in a vibrant concert at the border wall.
Views: 33
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Varda Bar-Kar
Actors: Arturo O'Farrill, Douglas Brinkley, Fernando Guadarrama, Jacob Hernandez, Jorge Francisco Castillo, Kabir Sehgal, Mandy Gonzalez, Patricio Hidalgo, Ramon Gutiérrez, Regina Carter
Country: United States of America
Company: Afro Latin Jazz Alliance, Ford Foundation - Just Films, Sony Music Latin
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination