Super Bear
In the heart of the wilderness, a father bear resides with his cub, Xi Ha. However, their peaceful life is shattered when a human criminal kidnaps the young bear and sells him on the black market. Determined to rescue his son, the father bear embarks on a journey to the bustling city. There, he joins forces with a spy dog named Heng Te. Together, they form an unlikely duo, reminiscent of explosive yet heroic buddy cops, as they work to dismantle the criminal network. “Super Bear” is a tale of a fierce confrontation between a devoted father and an animal spy, wrapped in a humorous adventure that explores the timeless themes of family and love. Written by Song Xianwei.
Views: 18
Director: Wang Qi
Country: China, United States of America
Company: Zhongguang Shude International Culture Media
Budget: $12,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $311,673