Aliens Stole My Body
In “Aliens Stole My Body,” directed by Sean McNamara, young Rod Allbright and the Galactic Patrol embark on a thrilling intergalactic adventure to retrieve his stolen body, which has been taken by the villainous B’KR. As they navigate through space, they encounter various alien species and face challenges that test their courage and teamwork.
Views: 44
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Sean McNamara
Actors: Alex Zahara, Christian Convery, Christina Lewall, Dan Payne, George Takei, Jayden Greig, Kirsten Robek, Lauren McNamara, Sandy Robson, Sean Quan, Ty Consiglio
Country: United States of America
Company: Lay-Carnagey Entertainment
Awards: 7 wins & 5 nominations