The Hustler
“The Hustler,” directed by Robert Rossen, follows the story of “Fast” Eddie Felson, a talented but self-destructive pool hustler who seeks to prove himself as the best player in the country. As he navigates the gritty world of high-stakes pool games, Eddie confronts personal demons and the harsh realities of ambition, ultimately facing a pivotal showdown with legendary player Minnesota Fats.
Views: 56
Director: Robert Rossen
Actors: Clifford A. Pellow, George C. Scott, Jackie Gleason, Jake LaMotta, Michael Constantine, Murray Hamilton, Myron McCormick, Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, Stefan Gierasch, Vincent Gardenia
Country: United States of America
Company: Rossen Films
Awards: Won 2 Oscars, 13 wins & 21 nominations total
Budget: $2,125,000
2h 14minRelease: 1961
Release Date: 1961-09-25
IMDb: 7.9
TMDB: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 90
FilmAffinity: 8.2