The Pride of the Yankees
“The Pride of the Yankees,” directed by Sam Wood, is a biographical drama that chronicles the life of legendary baseball player Lou Gehrig. The film highlights his rise to fame with the New York Yankees, his enduring love story, and his courageous battle with a debilitating illness, capturing the spirit and resilience of an American sports hero.
Views: 79
Genre: Biography, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Sam Wood
Actors: Babe Ruth, Bill Dickey, Dan Duryea, Elsa Janssen, Ernie Adams, Gary Cooper, Ludwig Stössel, Teresa Wright, Virginia Gilmore, Walter Brennan
Country: United States of America
Company: The Samuel Goldwyn Company
Awards: Won 1 Oscar, 1 win & 10 nominations total
2h 8minRelease: 1942
Release Date: 1942-07-14
IMDb: 7.6
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
FilmAffinity: 7.0