Some Like It Hot
“Some Like It Hot,” directed by Billy Wilder, is a classic comedy that follows two struggling musicians, Joe and Jerry, who accidentally witness a mob hit and disguise themselves as women to join an all-female band to escape the gangsters. As they travel with the band, comedic chaos ensues as they navigate their new identities and unexpected romantic entanglements.
Views: 46
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Music, Romance
Director: Billy Wilder
Actors: Billy Gray, George E. Stone, George Raft, Jack Lemmon, Joan Shawlee, Joe E. Brown, Marilyn Monroe, Nehemiah Persoff, Pat O’Brien, Tony Curtis
Country: United States of America
Company: Ashton Productions, The Mirisch Corporation
Awards: Top rated movie #133 | Won 1 Oscar, 11 wins & 13 nominations total
Budget: $2,883,848
Worldwide Gross: $203,207
2h 1minRelease: 1959
Release Date: 1959-03-19
IMDb: 8.2
TMDB: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 95%
Metacritic: 98
FilmAffinity: 8.3