“Drowning” is a psychological thriller that unfolds gradually, focusing on the protagonist, Anna, who employs wish fulfillment as a means to escape a cycle of abuse. Lacking the self-confidence to confront her real-world torment, Anna constructs an alternate reality where she stands up for herself. As a prostitute, Anna has endured a lifetime of abuse, exploitation, and manipulation. Emotionally detached, she must seize control of her life, find empowerment, and learn to live independently. By revisiting her childhood home, Anna confronts those who have enabled her suffering, her abusers, and her inner demons.
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Director: Pasquale Marco Veltri
Actors: Alana-Ashley Marques, Alys Crocker, Jessica Allen, Len Greenaway, Mark Nocent, Pardeep Bassi, Rachel Delduca
Country: Canada
Company: Indiecan Entertainment