Super Furball
“Super Furball,” directed by Joona Tena, follows the story of a seemingly ordinary girl who gains extraordinary powers after an unexpected encounter with a magical guinea pig. As she navigates her newfound abilities, she must balance her everyday life with the responsibility of protecting her city from looming threats.
Views: 43
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Joona Tena
Actors: Arttu Wiskari, Eero Ritala, Ella Jäppinen, Esko Salminen, Essi Hellén, Jukka Rasila, Kari Hietalahti, Stella Leppikorpi, Tommi Korpela, Viljami Lahti
Country: Finland
Company: Plotwise, Yellow Film & TV
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination
Budget: 1,670,000
Worldwide Gross: $69,416