Little Miss Dolittle
In this delightful family movie helmed by Joachim Masannek, a young girl uncovers her remarkable gift of talking to animals. As she learns to harness this unique skill, she sets off on an exciting journey to thwart a sinister scheme threatening a zoo. Malu Leicher shines in the starring role, delivering a captivating performance. The film is available for free streaming on Soap2day.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Family, Fantasy
Director: Joachim Masannek
Actors: Aaron Kissiov, Aylin Tezel, Christoph Maria Herbst, Malu Leicher, Meret Becker, Peri Baumeister, Tom Beck, Yoran Leicher
Company: Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion, Dreamtool Entertainment, Velvet Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,558,127