Dance Together
“Dance Together” tells the story of two teenage girls united by their shared desire for self-expression. Holly, a dancer recovering from an injury, and Alex, a reserved Deaf girl, cross paths in a serendipitous encounter that leads to a unique creative collaboration. Alex opens Holly’s eyes to the world of American Sign Language poetry, empowering her to confront her bullies with newfound confidence. In return, Holly infuses Alex’s poetry performances with a dancer’s elegance, potentially elevating her group’s success. The film showcases a blend of original and licensed music, complemented by breathtaking choreography.
Views: 35
Genre: Family
Director: Kevin Lien, Steven Song
Actors: Dale Whibley, Emilia McCarthy, Emily Andrews, Emily Stranges, Isaac Lupien, Kira Murphy, Logan Fabbro, Rae Rezwell, Safiya Renee Ricketts, Taveeta Szymanowicz
Country: Canada
Company: Puppy Dog Productions